The due diligence software package is designed to perform a comprehensive quality check of the digital model of the product and the manufactured product for compliance with the requirements. Thus, what is a DDQ? Read the article below.

The Most Important Information About the DDQ

In order to timely identify shortcomings and violations in the work of executive bodies for the formation and execution of local budgets, to strengthen control over the payment by business entities of the due amounts of taxes, insurance premiums, the completeness of receipt of customs duties, and duties, to ensure the safety of cash and inventory, and as well as taking effective measures to eliminate them, the Ministry of Finance and its regional and city (republican subordination) territorial bodies conduct a comprehensive check of the state of work on the formation and execution of local budgets.

The due diligence questionnaire software (DDQ) is a list of business entities that will be subject to comprehensive inspections. It is the only one for all inspection bodies. All regulatory authorities that have planned an inspection can do this only within the time frame established in the Plan for the implementation of comprehensive measures of state supervision (control) for the current year.

Before the beginning of the due diligence questionnaire, the officials of each controlling body are obliged to present to the entrepreneur or a person authorized by him a certificate (referral) and his service certificates, as well as to hand over a copy of the certificate (referral for inspection), which remains with the inspected person. If the entrepreneur has a log of inspections, then all inspectors must make an entry in it.

Due diligence questionnaire is a procedure that allows you to get a complete and objective picture of the company’s financial condition, as well as assess the risks that may affect it in the future. This is a study aimed at a complete verification of the legality of the organization’s activities, assessing the attractiveness of a transaction or an investment project. A comprehensive system for collecting and analyzing information about potential partners and customers, which is designed to protect business property and financial assets from damage from unscrupulous partners.

Due Diligence Questionnaire Software

The due diligence questionnaire software is one of the areas of due diligence, which involves a special audit to assess the quantity and quality of intellectual property assets owned by or licensed to a company, business, or individual. Such a review should also include an assessment of how the company in question is protecting the IP.

Due diligence questionnaire software’s comparison is carried out at three levels:

  1. The general check evaluates the out-of-bounds of the tolerance field of integral characteristics: volume, surface area, and coordinates of the center of mass. General model validation requires minimal data processing resources and allows you to quickly find problematic models by filtering out models that meet the requirements of the validation criteria.
  2. Local check evaluates the out-of-tolerance range for geometric objects – points, curves, surfaces. A local check is performed on the models remaining after the general check and allows you to indicate the location of problem areas and indicate the nature of the problem.
  3. An additional check at the level of the model topology, layers, color, and other attributes allows you to fine-tune the model, as well as check the model for compliance with corporate design rules.